Teaching and learning in Schools

Муаллифи китоб: Bernadette L. Dean, Farrukhsho Fraidonov, Askarsho Muibshoev, Noyob Paishanbiev
Муаллиф Bernadette L. Dean, Farrukhsho Fraidonov, Askarsho Muibshoev, Noyob Paishanbiev
Забони нашриёт Русский
Соли нашр 2021
Баҳогозории китоб

Дар бораи китоб

The schools offer education from grades 1-11. The average number of students in the schools is 1,394. The largest school has 3,222 and the smallest 353 students. A third of schools are housed in dilapidated buildings and half do not have adequate heating and cooling systems. There is also a chronic shortage of infrastructure, equipment and materials for teaching and learning. Schools in disrepair, overcrowded classrooms, 75% of students without textbooks, no experience in conducting scientific investigations, and few, if any, opportunities to develop their ICT skills put Tajik students at risk of not developing the competences needed for success in the 21st century. It is critical that the government increase public spending on education and spends it equitably and efficiently. It must upgrade school infrastructure and provide schools with essential material resources to achieve the goals for education set out in the state standards for secondary education.

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