Забони англисӣ

Муаллифи китоб: Сатская П.Н., Ҷамшедoв П., Алидодхонова К
Муаллиф Сатская П.Н., Ҷамшедoв П., Алидодхонова К
Нашриёт Маориф ва фарҳанг
Забони нашриёт Русский
Соли нашр 2013
Баҳогозории китоб

Дар бораи китоб

     The textbook for the 5 Form carries on the series of the English textbooks for the 3-4 Forms for Tajik schools.
The language selection, its arrangement and introducing of the language material are worked out according to the latest achievements in theory and practice of foreign language teaching at schools. The main aim of the textbook is further mastering of speech habits and skills, namely, oral speech and reading texts with full comprehension of the plot being achieved by means of adequate translation or by putting questions.

Онлайн хондан
Мухобирот гузоштан ба маводи мазкур иҷозат нашудааст.