Забони англисӣ

Муаллифи китоб: Сатская П.Н., Ҷамшедов П., Алидодхонова К.С
Муаллиф Сатская П.Н., Ҷамшедов П., Алидодхонова К.С
Нашриёт КВД «Комбината полиграфӣ
Забони нашриёт Русский
Соли нашр 2013
Баҳогозории китоб

Дар бораи китоб

   The authors of the series of the English textbook for the 6-11 forms for Tajik schools consider that each of school teachers of the English language has individual peculiarities in their work as well as every class being taught has them. Bearing in mind that every form has its own level of knowledge, speech, habits and skills, teaching the English language should be carried on in a way of different individual approach. There is no need to compose unique lessons for every class and to make a teacher imply devices of work, which restricts his individual creative way of teaching. It is impossible to compose a Teacher's Guide, which could include those individual peculiarities of school teachers and pupils. Every teacher is a unique creature. The teacher must decide himself what methods and devices in teaching English are fit for this or for some other form.

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